Let's take a break;

Let's take a break;

07 December 2018
Off Topic Let's Chat


Today I wanted to upload something different as I have dedicated two weeks to Linux tutorials so far and since the release of the website we have not stopped to talk.

First I wanted to thank all of you who took the time to get interested in my website, I don't know how you got here, maybe you know me and I recommended it to you, maybe you just looked up how to use the hash or the ssh and you logged in, maybe you didn't even log in to this article because you're only interested in tutorials,...

Well, in short, thank you for coming in, I've been thinking about creating a new website for a long time, with a biography, a portfolio, and a blog section. Although in the future I have to include some things for which it is still necessary to use the old website, now it will be much easier for me to add new features.

I'm going to make a spoiler, later I plan to publish an article about the new laptop I bought, as well as another about how the website and the libraries I used were made.

What I can say is that I have used Laravel, the truth is that I am not a fan of CMS or external libraries or frameworks. I like to do things my way, even though there is a bookstore that does it, so one person I am very grateful to know has invented the expression "Make a Sertxu" to define this.


Leaving my website aside, there is a project that you can find in my portfolio, which is called "Exchange O' Learn", was made to compete in the Desafío Stem España 2017, today (Wednesday, January 31, 2018) are not known yet neither the winners nor the finalists. All we know is that the finalists have already been selected and an expert jury is evaluating each of the projects to decide which is the best in each category.

In the contest we participated a group of four people, yes, the four fantastic people, we are the only group that has participated in the whole institute IES Lluis Simarro, and that is quite surprising since we are enrolled in first grade of middle school, and there are two of the three superiors of computer science, the Development of Multiplatform Applications (DAM) and the Administration of Computer Systems and Networks (ASIR/ASIX) that I want to realize, there is also the basic degree of computer science.

At that time, out of 8 computer classes, only four people have participated, with a project that uses technologies that are not included in the educational project of any of the higher grades mentioned above. The project is available on GitHub under the GPL. 


Next year (2018/2019) I want to do the top course in Networks (ASIR/ASIX), but.... Nooo, Sertxu, do the Multiplatform Application Development course, with the knowledge you have and so much that you like the programming you will be more comfortable than in the Network course.

Ok.... I have a lot of programming knowledge and I also like network administration very much, that is why based on the content studied in the superior development course and on the opinions of former students, I have decided that it will be better for me to do the networking because if, in the development, there may be things that I do not know, but it is easier to learn in a self-taught way. A programming language or the administration of servers and networks? As people say, I have quite a bit of programming knowledge, considering my age, so it's easier for me to learn a new language, as I have it more at hand than not setting up a server. In addition, in the top of Networks, there is also programming, so I have a 2x1.

A day comparing the subjects of a superior and another, you can see that the multiplatform is a start from 0 to programming and the network is a continuation of the content that occurs in the medium. Even looking at the name, one can deduce that it is an Intermediate Degree in Microcomputer Systems and Networks, and an Advanced Degree in Computer Systems and Networks Administration.


You've had a nice day, haven't you? It looks like it's going to be hot, but now it's 10:15 and it's 7ºC so it's pretty good, the sky is clear and not a cloud. I don't know if you've made it this far, but if you're reading this you might have just freaked him out a little bit thinking about what the weather and the clouds are all about. Why did I put it there? To tell you the truth, I don't know, I turned around and looked out the window next to me, right now the teacher is not teaching and I don't have anything better to do to be able to disconnect a little before the exam that we have in an hour, in case you're interested, the exam is from the FTP service on a Linux server (for a change). And yes, there's also a post coming up on how to set up the FTP service.


I'm going to tell you about the system we use here to do the exams, to start with, we use a little thing called a container, no, it's not because the system is garbage, although I don't deny it either in this case, the containers are a system that comes with Linux, although you can also use a third-party program, called LXC, they have it mounted on a server in the institute and I'll be honest, if there are no people connected it goes well, that is, sometimes I was the only user connected and it goes well, but when you have 20 students attacking the same server and each student has two operating systems running, that's the same as 40 "compressed" computers on the same server.

I know little about containers, to say the least, but here they have a physical server with 20 virtual machines, one per student, and each virtual machine has two other virtual machines or instances (I don't know what it's called) using LXC. If what I said is correct, the physical server has an operating system, with 20 machines, plus 40 instances, I don't know if it's true, but it would be 60 systems running at the same time. If I'm wrong and you want to get me out of the doubt, send me an email explaining it, because if I'm right or they would have to put horizontal scalability to distribute the work or try to optimize the system. I will be back in a little while to tell you how well they worked during the exam, if we can do it.


I'm back from the test. How'd it gone? Well, the truth is, I think, the configuration of the service worked well for me the first time, so I didn't have to fight much, although not everyone can say the same thing, since there are people who have had problems trying to access it with the anonymous user. I couldn't see it firsthand, so I don't know if it was a problem in the configuration they made or if it was because of the system itself.

The containers to my surprise, have gone very well, the main problem is the bottleneck generated by the hard disks, in addition to the fact that the containers have installed software that increases the problem, such as the unattended-upgrades package, the solution has been to remove all the pre-installed packages that were not going to be used during the examination, thus reducing the load on each container.

I'm not going to roll up much more, I wanted to add that if you have any questions about any article or would like to upload any, please feel free to send me a message, you can do so from the form on the home page or by sending me an email to the address also located at the beginning.


Greetings and see you next week.

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